I’m In My 50s And Feel So Tired – Is This Normal?

Today more than ever, we are understanding how important energy is to our daily lives. As electric and gas prices skyrocket, we become acutely aware of the importance they play in the smooth running of our daily routines. Our depleting resources are having a definite impact on our physical and emotional well-being as we adapt to cope with the unpredictability of the situation.

Loss of your own energy levels has the same effect. Looking back at your earlier years, you can only marvel at the full life you lived on seemingly very little sleep. Yet, when you did sleep, it was instant and deep!

Why am I feeling tired all the time?

Unfortunately, the older you get, the more your energy levels get depleted. One symptom that we constantly hear in our Peterborough-based health studios is that someone is feeling tired all the time. This seems particularly prevalent in women over 50, who experience a severe depletion in energy levels.

Assuming that there are no serious underlying health issues that need further exploration, there are a number of reasons why tiredness can creep up and energy levels drop down as you get older – and the good news is that there are things you can proactively do to reverse the decline – reducing the tiredness and increasing your energy.

Age and tiredness

It is all too easy to blame your age for feeling tired but focusing too much on your age can actually be disempowering in terms of taking steps to help you revive that energy. Human beings age – there is nothing you or anyone can do about the ageing process. 

However, that tiredness can be simply a symptom of a number of other factors that you CAN do something about. Although the hormonal changes in women are again part of the ageing process, addressing these through lifestyle changes, nutrition, and increased movement can often increase energy more than you may have even experienced previously.

Key reasons why you may be feeling tired all the time include:

  • Not getting enough sleep
  • Having a poor diet which is too laden with carbs and sugar
  • Drinking too much alcohol
  • Increasing anxiety and stress
  • Being too sedentary

One of the reasons why it is so difficult to tackle fatigue is that all the above reasons are interconnected, so unless you deal with all of them, then it is very difficult to break the cycle. 

If you are going through a challenging time, which is causing you anxiety, this will have an impact on your sleep levels. If you get up tired and irritable in the morning, you’ll probably end up self-medicating with food and alcohol. A bad diet and alcohol affect both your stress and ability to get a good night’s sleep, and so the cycle continues.

Making so many changes all at once can feel overwhelming, which is why it is so difficult to start the journey – particularly if you have started, and failed, on this journey many times already.

This is why seeking some support is so important, because no one ever fails on this journey – that is merely part of the journey. The important thing is to choose your own destination and keep that in mind rather than worrying about failing before you’ve even started.

Increasing energy for women over 50

As one of the leading Peterborough weight loss experts, Be You Health Studios takes a completely individual approach to increasing energy for women over 50. With this comes the added benefits of helping them to lose weight, increase movement and exercise, eliminate uncomfortable bloating, and ultimately get a really good night’s sleep.

We work with women (and men) of all ages, right into their eighties, many of whom have struggled with various physical and medical challenges, sometimes for years. By helping them implement changes to their diet and lifestyle, build their confidence, and change their mindset, many of our clients report back a significant increase in their energy levels as a welcome side effect of the effort they are putting into their progress.

Contact us to book a consultation

So, if you are over 50 and exhausted all the time, know that there are some simple but definite steps you can put into place to help you overcome the fatigue and put some zest and fizz back into your life. You can book in an initial consultation via our booking page here – simply scroll down to schedule an initial 30-minute consultation and let’s get you back to being the energetic you that you used to be!